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نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى 2137753290_ee5119fbf0
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نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى 2137753290_ee5119fbf0
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 نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى

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نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى 11111110 تاريخ التسجيل تاريخ التسجيل : 09/08/2010
المشاركات المشاركات : 1655
التقييم التقييم : 23
النقاط النقاط : 2175
الجنس الجنس : انثى
المهنة : نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى Studen10
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الهواية : نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى Travel10
مزاجى مزاجى : نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى 4510
نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى Lsv69210
SMS اشهد ان لا اله الا الله واشهد ان سيدنا محمد حبيبى رسول الله

فداك أبى وأمى يارسول الله

حماكى الله يامصر

انا كالبحر اتحمل اصبر واتقبل الكثير

لكن حتما ًسيعصف جوي وتغضب امواجي


احذر يا ايها القارب الصغير

فانني لا اريد ان اراك حطاما على شاطئي الكبير

بــــحـــر الغراـــم

نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى 20010

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مُساهمةموضوع: نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى   نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى Subscr10الخميس 23 يونيو 2011 - 8:28

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتته


Ministry of Education General Secondary Education Certificate

Examination, 2011 [Second Stage - First Session]

First Foreign Language: ENGLISH (2) Time: 3 Hours

A- Language Functions

- Your younger brother is very busy. You would like to help him.

2- A clmindmate asks you why you enjoy playing sports. Name one reason.

3- Someone asks you the time of the next train to Aswan.

4- Your sister asks you your opinion about the importance of e-books.
speakers and the language function in each of the following two

1- A: Well, your application has been accepted.
B: Wow! That's great! When can I start?
A: Next Sunday. You'll be working at the Garden City branch.
2- A: I'd like to deposit this sum, please.
B: Sure. Just fill in this form.
1] Respond to each of the following situations:
B- Vocabulary & Structure:
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b. c or d:
1- Samir has two sisters;.......................... of them are older than him.
a) neither b) none c) both d) each
2- The astronauts are going to......................... a space station in space.
a) build b) invent c) analyze d) arrest
3- Mona promised that she............................. home tomorrow.
a) be b) would have been c) will have been d) will be
4- Arab countries shouldn't be in........ as they face the same challenges.
a) condition b) confidence c) harmony d)conflict
5- If you can't dictate your conditions, you ……………. negotiate.
a) will b) should c) need d) ought
6- A/An...... is a ceremony in which somebody officially becomes a king.
a) occasion b) debate c) organization d) coronation
7- I want to buy a new villa, so I.............................. save a lot of money.
a)am going to b) will c) going to d) will be
8- The medical condition of not being able to remember anything is called ……………….
a) megalomania b) insomnia c) amnesia d) phobia
9- The play is suggested to ................ because the leading actor is ill.
a) being cancelled b) cancel c) have cancelled d) be cancelled
10- All the Egyptians should co-operate to save the country from any foreign …………………… .
a) evaluation b) invasion c) excavation d) exploration
11- For centuries, the wind has been used................................ ships.
a) to sailing b) sailed c) sailing d) to sail
12- There is a special............. in our kitchen for cutting vegetables.
a) budget b) bracelet c) gadget d) saw
13- Samia asked Hala..... she was doing anything the next day.
a) unless b) whether c) without d) except
14- Most creatures have some........................... features.
a) common b) comment c) complain d) insulated
15- Had it rained so heavily, we............................. floods.
a) wouldn't have had b) would have c) would have had d) may have
16- Mr. Ali is very.......... He wants to have a company of his own.
a) ambitious b) grateful c) graceful d) sociable
4)Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1- Peace knows to be constructive.
2- Splitting of cells produces nuclear power.
3- That's the boy which dog bit me last Friday.
4- Manufacturers reinvent paper, rather than throw it away.
5- There was a lake in the oil tank, so the car broke down.
6- Eighty kilometers is along way to travel using two liters of petrol.
C- Reading
5) Read the following pmindage, then answer the questions:
What is love? The writer of "The Chemistry of Love" believes
that falling in love is influenced by our brain chemistry. This
connection between the way we feel and the way our bodies function is
his main concern. Falling in love gives you extra energy. Your heart
beats faster and you feel optimistic. Love meets our emotional needs,
this makes everything look possible and rosy and we work better.
The book says we are programmed at birth to produce endorphins when we
are in close relationships. It is nature's way of keeping us together.
When the relationship ends - or we are afraid it might end - production
of endorphins stops.
What is remarkable in a relationship is the newness. You need newness,
sharing and growth. The brain has to experience a change which creates
excitement. That is why the great romances of literature are never
between people who stay together.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- Mention briefly the main idea of the pmindage.
2- Why does the world look rosy when you are in love?
3- What does the underlined word refer to?
Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
4- Endorphins could be the name of a.........................................
a) love story b) chemical substance
c) part of the brain d) sort of literature
5- According to the pmindage, everlasting love.........................................
a) must lead to marriage b) makes you pessimistic
c) uses up a lot of your energy d) is determined by inner chemistry
6) Read the following pmindage, then answer the questions:
Some editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes
to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics. Once, a
journalist was instructed to write an article on a new president’s
palace. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and
refused to publish it. The article began: "Hundreds of steps
lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace." The
editor at once sent a telegram telling the journalist to find out the
exact number of steps and the height of the wall.
The journalist set out to obtain these important facts. But he took a
long time to send them and the editor got impatient. In another
telegram he said if he didn't reply soon, he would be fired. A week
later, the editor was informed that the poor man had been arrested and
sent to prison.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- Who arrested the journalist?
2- Why was the editor impatient?
3- Where was the journalist asked to go?
Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
4- The underlined word refers to the........................................
a) sentence b) telegram c) article d) palace
5- To be 'fired' here means to be.....................................
a) shot with a gun b) dismissed c) set on fire d) promoted
The Novel
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Leila and Amalia were helpless in the mountains. (Explain this statement)
2- Who was the mask kept by and where?
Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"United Mining operations in Peru ended in 1999."
What was 'United Mining'?
What did this statement show?
C. Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. Ramon was chosen to get into the tomb first as................................ ......
2. Amalia was a good archaeologist and so experienced that.................
D- Writing
Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
How to share in the progress of our country
A. Translate into Arabic:
To enjoy the quality of being right and fair, you should have
justice. It is one of the basic values in all social systems. It is
also recommended by all religions and called for by all prophets.
B. Translate into English:
- 1 لقد وضعت مصر اول لبنة فى صرح الديموقراطية الحقيقية يوم 19 مارس
- 2 يرى الكثيرون ان العولمة تخدم الدول الغنية على حساب الدول الفقيرة

اجابة امتحان الانجليزي 3 ثانوي 2011 مرحلة تانيه

اجابة السؤال الاول والثاني
1] Respond to each o

f the following situations:
1- Your younger brother is very busy. You would like to help him. ( You look very busy, can I help you ?)
2- A clmindmate asks you why you enjoy playing sports. Name one reason. (Because this helps me to be healthy and fit)
3- Someone asks you the time of the next train to Aswan. ( the next train arrives at seven pm)

4- Your sister asks you your opinion about the importance of e-books. ( they can save more place,time and effort)
2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1- A: Well, your application has been accepted.
B: Wow! That's great! When can I start?
A: Next Sunday. You'll be working at the Garden City branch.
(Company/manager /candidate/giving information , expressing surprise and inquiry)

2- A: I'd like to deposit this sum, please. B: Sure. Just fill in this form.

(Bank/ client/bank clerk/asking for help and response or inquiry

إجابة سؤال التصحيح
Peace knows to be constructive. ( is known)
2- Splitting of cells produces nuclear power. (atoms)
3- That's the boy which dog bit me last Friday. (whose)
4- Manufacturers reinvent paper, rather than throw it away. ( recycle)
5- There was a lake in the oil tank, so the car broke down. (leak)
6- Eighty kilometers is along way to travel using two liters of petrol. ( a long distance)

Choose the correct answer from a, b. c or d:

1- Samir has two sisters;.......................... of them are older than him.
a) neither b) none c) both d) each
2- The astronauts are going to......................... a space station in space.
a) build b) invent c) analyze d) arrest
3- Mona promised that she............................. home tomorrow.
a) be b) would have been c) will have been d) will be
4- Arab countries shouldn't be in........................... as they face the same challenges.
a) condition b) confidence c) harmony d)conflict
5- If you can't dictate your conditions, you ………….. negotiate.
a) will b) should c) need d) ought
6- A/An............... is a ceremony in which somebody officially becomes a king.
a) occasion b) debate c) organization d) coronation
7- I want to buy a new villa, so I............................. save a lot of money.
a)am going to b) will c) going to d) will be
8- The medical condition of not being able to remember anything is called
a) megalomania b) insomnia c) amnesia d) phobia
9- The play is suggested to .......................... because the leading actor is ill.
a) being cancelled b) cancel c) have cancelled d) be cancelled
10- All the Egyptians should co-operate to save the country from any foreign ..........

a) evaluation b) invasion c) excavation d) exploration
11- For centuries, the wind has been used.................................... ships.
a) to sailing b) sailed c) sailing d) to sail
12- There is a special................................ in our kitchen for cutting vegetables.
a) budget b) bracelet c) gadget d) saw
13- Samia asked Hala....................... she was doing anything the next day.
a) unless b) whether c) without d) except
14- Most creatures have some........................... features.
a) common b) comment c) complain d) insulated
15- Had it rained so heavily, we............................. floods.
a) wouldn't have had b) would have c) would have had d) may have
16- Mr. Ali is very......................... He wants to have a company of his own.
a) ambitious b) grateful c) graceful d) sociable

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
1- the main idea of the passage is the effect of love on human brain body and emotion
إي إجابة تتعلق بموضوع القطعة مقبولة
2- Because love meets our emotional needs
3- this refers to the sentence ( love meets our emotional needs )
4- b) chemical substance
5 d- is determined by inner chemistry

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
1. the police or the guards of the palace
2. he wanted to publish the article in his newspaper or magazine quickly
3. a new president’s palace
4. article
5. dismissed

The Mask of Gold

a ) Answer the following questions:
1. Leila and Amalia were helpless in the mountains
they were alone after the accident, Amalia had one leg broken and the car were damaged there were no people to help them at the area of the accident and the mobile was broken
2. it was kept by Pablo in a safe
b ) Read the quotation and answer the questions:
1. it was the company for which martin said he worked
2. it showed he was a liar c ) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. as he was small enough to get through the hole
2. She knows a lot about the tombs in Peru and Dr Hafez trusted her and she will lead the new excavation site
Write a paragraph of about 100 words on:
How to share in the progress of our country”

مع نقسك
وهو أصلاً متوقع وسهل
اجابة سؤال الترجمة فى امتحان اللغة الاجنبية الاولى (اللغة الانجليزية) للمرحلة الثانية (الصف الثالث)(3) ثانوى عام 2011

A. Translate into Arabic:
To enjoy the quality of being right and fair, you should have
justice. It is one of the basic values in all social systems. It is also
recommended by all religions and called for by all prophets.
لكي تتحلى بسمات الحق والعدل ينبغي أن ننعم
بالعدل وهي واحدة من القيم الأساسية لكل النظم الاجتماعية كما توصي بها
جميع الديانات ويدعو اليها كل الأنبياء
B. Translate into English:
1- لقد وضعت مصر اول لبنة فى صرح الديموقراطية الحقيقية يوم 19 مارس
Egypt has put the first building block in the structure of true democracy on March 19.
2- يرى الكثيرون ان العولمة تخدم الدول الغنية على حساب الدول الفقيرة
A lot of people think that globalization serves the rich countries ( at the expense of / instead of / against) poor countries (ones).

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نموذج إمتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للصف الثالث الثانوى

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» إجابه إمتحان الجبر للصف الثانى الثانوى 2011
» تعلم قواعد اللغه الانجليزيه (صوت وصوره) وبالعربي English Grammar Level 1

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